This year I have thought a lot about what is on my bucket list and how I’m going to achieve what’s on my Bucket List. Have you? 2020 has helped me put into perspective what is important and what I can scratch off my list.
The problem with my Bucket List is I created it before I had my son. So my Bucket List has a lot of stuff on it that are great for a single person, but not so much for a family. This year I decided to revise my Bucket List and that has been a struggle. I’ve asked myself “What do you put on your Bucket List to do soon?” “How crazy should I make this revised Bucket List?” And that is the joy of a Bucket List, you can put whatever you want and make it as crazy as you want to make it. IT’S YOUR BUCKET LIST.
This summer, I revised my Bucket List and added a few things my son wants to do and kept a good many things from my days as a single woman. Scotland – I will get to you soon!!
So, as we wind down 2020, what are you doing to look ahead? Are you a planner or a spontaneous doer? I am a planner. I have quarterly plans, annual plans, 3 year plans, and 5 year plans. I update them as I go, but I have a plan and a back up plan. For some reason, my Bucket List just sat there, gathering dust. I’ve decided it was time to start doing something on my Bucket List.

I like to travel and go places, and when the world shut down and I couldn’t go anywhere, I was bored. I started planning trips to take as soon as we opened back up. It didn’t matter that the trip was just to the next county to see my sister. I was leaving my county and going somewhere. I have a couple of big trips planned for next year and the year after. Harry Potter and Dragons are in my future.
But why is it important to have a Bucket List? I mean a Bucket List is all the stuff you want to do before you kick the “bucket”, why even make a list. Well, making a Bucket List is as important as making any other vacation plans or business dream.
Have you ever wanted to own a business, be your own boss?

Have you ever wanted to eat lunch on the Seine River at a Parisian Café?

Both of these things can be on the same Bucket List! Bucket List give your mind and heart the desire to dream and reach for goals. If you don’t have dreams or goals, then you are just on the sidelines of life, watching.
I challenge you this week to look over your Bucket list. What is on your list that you can tick off as DONE in 2020? How about 2021? And if you don’t have a Bucket List, I challenge you to create a Bucket List of 5 – 10 things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”.
This year I checked off one MAJOR item – I created my website and social media pages. This was something I wanted to do since I started with essential oils and 2020 became my year! I saved during 2019, reviewed sites, took a few courses on essential oils, and decided I was going to just do it! I set goals and achievement milestones along the way and here it is, October, and I have a website and social media content on many platforms. I must say, checking off this item on my Bucket List was AMAZING AND FUN!
I haven’t stopped with my Bucket List items for my business. I have started writing a Goal Setting Program. This was a dream I had in 2018 and I was just too scared to put it all together. But I think I am ready. I have started the introduction and made my outline. I am going to get this program up and going by the end of 2020. I am excited to bring you along with me on this journey. The next couple of months, I will be closing 2020 out with eyes on 2021 and what we can carry out in this new world.