Don’t you just love a warm cozy fire? Bundling up in your favorite sweatshirt, wrapped in a blanket, and reading your favorite book. This is how I like to spend my winter days.
I also like to spend some time in December to reflect on the year. 2020 has been a different kind of year for most of us. We discovered spending time at home should have been one of our New Year’s Resolutions. We have lost some that we love, and we are missing them terribly around the holidays.
As I am reflecting on the year that has passed, I am also planning for the year ahead. Setting goals has been something I have strived to do since college. Life doesn’t always turn out how we want it, but with a few yearly goals, I can attempt to make life how I would like it to be.
Here are some tips on Reflecting and Planning for the year ahead.
1. Reflect on this past year. No one really wants to look back on 2020, but aside from all the struggles and heartache of 2020, look back on what you planned for 2020 and how you worked towards your plans. If you wrote down you plans and goals of 2020, review them and see how you did. Be proud of the accomplishments you made. And if a goal wasn’t achieved, look at what you can control and see if there is room for improvement.
2. Mediate on where you want to be in 12 months. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is to plan but variables in mind. When planning for 2021, remember to be flexible. Goals should be S.M.A.R.T. Goals. If you haven’t heard this term before, here is what S.M.A.R.T Goal Planning means:

3. As you are setting your 2021 Goals, don’t forget to make sure they align with you overall life goals. Life goals – what is that you say…Life Goals are move they just living day to day, they are what you want to have done in your life. Some goals take longer than a year to carry out, like raising children. I think raising children is a life goal, it takes well over 18 years or more. 😁 Look at where you want to be in 5 – 10 years, if your goals for 2021 will not help you get there, or aren’t in line with these goals, review them and get all your goals in line with your big life goals.

4. Now that you have a couple or a few yearly goals, what do you need to do to achieve these goals. Breaking large goals down into smaller goals will help you stay on target with your overall plan. Having 2 – 4 annual goals is great and breaking those goals down into monthly or quarterly milestones will ensure you achieve them.
5. Now it’s time to set the deadline for some of your goals. If you are using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal technique, this is the Measurable and Timely part. If you don’t set a timeline, you will get to December 2021 and wonder why you didn’t achieve your goal. Check in with your goal and see if you are on track or need to adjust. I like to have quarterly reviews on my plans. This way I can adjust before I have gone too far-off track. You set your own timeline and your own review schedule.

To help you get in the reflecting and focusing state of mind, below is one of my favorite Winter Tea blends. I have also added a few essential oil ideas to diffuse while you Reflect and Plan this month.
Let me know in the comments if you have set your 2021 Goals and your favorite teas and essential oils to diffuse while you plan.